CM Maryam Nawaz announced the launch of the Negahban Ramadan program this Ramadan and said that she will work day and night to ensure the rights of the innocent and oppressed as soon as possible. Let them benefit from the blessings of Ramadan without any problems. Now, the project has distributed many aid materials to different cities in Punjab. The list of program participants is obtained from BISP. This is the first time in Pakistan’s 76-year history that civil rights have been granted. Make them trust and respect you.
Reaching only Needy people
Maryam Nawaz said that the Ramadan aid package will not benefit those who do not deserve it, that it is a human right, and that feeding people is a human right, so I am working for this, and they could also benefit from this right. Maryam Nawaz also asked about the quality of Ramadan packages, the delivery process, and employees’ behavior. She explained that my purpose in going to people’s homes is to understand the problems the homemakers face. These ideas are designed for the people of Punjab who want these ideas without any religion or belief.
Providing Shelter to the Poor
The Ramadan night program provides shelter like a shade tree to the weak and deserving poor. Millions of people from all over Punjab have benefited from this service. Maryam Nawaz manages the distribution of Ramadan packages through regular meetings and visits to people’s homes. In an informal conversation with women, Maryam Nawaz said it is your responsibility from now on, and I want to see if you have this power.
Distribution starts on | 2nd day of the Ramadan |
CM will manage the program | Through regular meetings |
Includes only | Deserving and Poor People |
Distribution Started
The Punjab government announced that the distribution of goods will begin on the second day of Ramadan. After receiving the contract from the office, Maryam Nawaz announced that we only had two days left to produce Ramadan packages.
The Negahban scheme offers plenty of support in the form of the Rashan Assistance Scheme, designed to meet your needs and control the cost of essential goods during rising inflation. The program ensures that those most affected by financial stress have equal access to food through monthly distributions.
Also Read: Online Check 2024 of Wazir E Azam Relief Package 5566
Will this Program be Fair?
Maryam Nawaz said that the Ramadan aid package will not benefit those who do not deserve it.
When will the Distribution will start?
The Punjab government announced that the distribution of goods will begin on the second day of Ramadan.